Untitled VII
baritone saxophone, percussion, and piano
dur: 7:30
Universal Edition
Finalist, Resonate 2024
Can we erase the past? Can we atone for our mistakes? Can we see ourselves as others see us? How do we reconcile who we were with who we are, and what we’ve learned? How do we move forward, confronted with the past in our present? Shadow of My Former Self is a collection of works exploring these questions; under the self-secluding name Untitled.
IIn Untitled VII, I began with a digital recording of a sound meaningful to me personally. I used various types of spectral manipulation techniques to process and transform this recording past recognizability, creating a full length digital media work. I then transcribed this new work to create a chamber piece. This erasure of the original, distortion of the result, and attempt to create something new, beautiful, and twice-removed from the ashes results in a musical shadow of the troubled past that defines me, and that I carry with me in the present, that others do not see.
Untitled VII was written for Ex-sentia in 2022.
Miguel Fernández de la Fuente, saxophone, Santiago Villar Martín, percussion, Jacob Mason, piano
May 6, 2022 at 17:15
Hochschule für Musik, Klassik
Grosser Saal
Leonhardsstrasse 6, 4051 Basel