Untitled VI

baritone saxophone, vibraphone and gong, and piano
dur: 7:30
Shadow of My Former Self is a collection of works exploring questions of identity, story and personal history under the self-secluding name Untitled.
Shadow of My Former Self is a collection of works exploring questions of identity, story and personal history under the self-secluding name Untitled.
In Untitled VI, I used digital recordings of both baritone saxophone and piano multiphonics from my work Untitled VII, and vibraphone multiphonics recently discovered by Michael Edward Edgerton and Olaf Tzschoppe. I analyzed all of these and created a series of generative sonic events where an overtone of the saxophone multiphonic became the fundamental of the vibraphone’s next multiphonic and vice versa. Piano harmonic multiphonics provided additional overtones augmenting the complex sonorities. The analysis, deconstruction, and regeneration of these sounds to create new ones is like the renewal of my past music in my present music. It is an attempt to create something different from the ashes of the troubled past that defines me, and that I carry with me in the present, that others do not see.
Untitled VI for baritone saxophone, vibraphone, gong and piano was commissioned for the CAMP performing artists Kevin von Kampen, Eunmi Ko, and Katherine Weintraub. Untitled VI was completed in August 2022.
Katherine Weintraub, saxophone, Kevin von Kampen, percussion and Eunmi Ko, piano
October 7, 2022
Concert Hall
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL